Wednesday, February 15, 2006



Blogger Tennessee Jed said...

God, this is Jed here, asking for a little more love and the rest will be ok. I know, I know I am always asking for shit, but I deserve it as much as Dick Cheney and he gets some nice breaks in this life. I don't care if I have to have a gay daughter to get some cool stuff. I mean we would have more in common since we both would like women and stuff. I don't mind gay folks at all as long as they are not always talking about the subject and trying to convert me. While I am at it I don't mind followers of any religon as long as they don't do the same afore mentioned conversation domination. Just send more love soon please.

12:01 AM  
Blogger Newscoma said...

Dear God,
Is the Powerball really out of the question?
Also, can I be liberal and Christian, or is that out of the question just like those woman Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter always say.
I hope you get over being angry. That sort of wigs me out because you are like, sorta in charge of weather and disasters.
Tell Jesus Hi.

3:30 AM  
Blogger Julie said...

I don't blame you!
What about Falwell, that man alone is enough to piss someone off - God too. Did you get a cut of the Oral Roberts $??

What's this going to hell stuff?What happened to Grace too?
I thought, according to Micah 6, 6-8 all you wanted us to do was walk humbly w/ you and love justice and kindness.. what the hell do you want now? Send us Elvis, Ghandi, and MLK back and we'll trade you cheney, bush and any boy pop band you like.

8:36 PM  

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